During the week, we had the opportunity to talk to Great’s coach Luciano Gemello. We asked him some questions in order to let you know more about athletics and pole-vault athletes training.

What does a typical pole-jumping athlete’s training consist of?

“Pole vaulting includes a wide range of skills and conditional abilities, so it is difficult to describe a “typical” training as it ranges from speed to leaps, from technique to acrobatics and from mobility to strength. Let’s see for example a technical training in a special period of the year, still far from the competitions: During the first 30 minutes you start to warm-up with particular attention on the running technique, then you start with the actual jump, using running runs that range between 6 and 10 footholds. During this period, the main task is to solve technical problems such as run-up for example. The slower speed in running-up makes it easier to acquire corrections and allows you to resist for a much higher number of jumps than using run-ups and poles which are used during competitions. After the technical part which can last 1.5 hours, we cool down and do stretching, breathing or slow running exercises. Sometimes, in this period, we focus on secondary conditional capacities, such as strength or pre-acrobatic. “

How many hours a week does a professional athlete train? 

“The number of hours is set compared to the athlete and the period, but on average it is necessary to provide 15 hours a week which are divided into 6 days a week for an athlete of the age of 16. On Sunday’s you normally rest. “ 

Why did you choose to coach and support Great Nnachi? 

“Coaching is part of that emotional sphere of the brain that finds no rational explanation. We spend hours and hours on the field with athletes where we, for obvious reasons, already know that they will not be able to achieve international goals. Great is one of those athletes that, instead, immediately transpires its chances of success and becomes a real responsibility because talent must be identified, trained and managed as well. The “race car” of Great is very complex and needs care and attention, much more than others. The story of Great is so complex and engaging that supporting her with all my means was a burden that I felt immediately. “

What are your goals as a coach for this year?

“The objectives and goals are a few and very clear. Italian record in the “Allievi” category – 4.21 meters and 6 meters in long jump. Of course the Italian outdoor category title (in the end of July) remains an indelible must as well as an important result at the Italian championships “assoluti”. Unfortunately, despite having already obtained the minimum participation in the European championships under 18 of July (3.60) Great will not be able to be part of it because she does not hold the Italian citizenship and this keeps her out of international competitions until reaching the age of 18. “

What do you think about the Lovemytraining project?

“Lovemytraining is an exciting project that completely copes the way I see the sports world and the people in there. A champion has no problem finding sponsors and his sports life will be greatly facilitated by the possibilities that the world will make available for him. Before this, however, the roughnesses are such that only a lucky few will reach their dream. Nature makes a gift, Lovemytraining helps you to use it in the best way. “