If you are fond of motocross, you have certainly heard of Yves Demaria, 3-times World Champion and long-time fixture of this sport.

Since the beginning of Lovemytraining, Yves has been by our side, helping in the development of this project and guiding young, talented riders in every step of their training.

Given its key role and his 30-years-long experience in the motocross field, we approached him with a few questions reguarding his career and his contribution to the Academy.

Yves, tell us about your career: which of your achievements makes you most proud?
It’s both a simple and difficult question at the same time. In my 30 years of racing I achieved a lot and every milestone holds a special place in my heart, but I would be lying if I said the World Champion title wasn’t the most important thing: it is the culmination of any sporting career and I could’t have asked for more.

When did your passion for motocross start?
My passion came from my father who practiced motocross as a hobby. We both saw that, even as a kid, I was really fit for it and I never stopped since.

When did you start coaching and why?
I started coaching in 2008, at the end of my racing career, and it came naturally.
I always liked to give advices and the exchange between student and coacht, so I decided to dive into coaching to bring all my experience of pilot to new riders. I’m really glad I made that choice.

What are the essential features of a great coach?
The essential characteristics a trainer must have are the ability to listen to the athlete’s needs and make the right steps to make him/her shine. This implies you should always put yourself in the athlete’s shoes and anticipate all situations to help them in their progress. I’m lucky to be a “veteran” of this sport and to know exactly what to do and how to guide them.

Has the world of motocross changed since you were a rider?

Yes, motocross has changed a lot, just like every aspect of our everyday life in the last 30 years. Still, motocross remains a difficult sport, both physically and mentally… and luckily that hasn’t changed.

It requires commitment, grit and sacrifice but gives back much more. I am glad the riders of today fall in love with the sport just as I did: it’s a great connection.

Thank you Yves for your time and everything you do for the academy!